How to Attract a Consistent Flow of Ideal, High Paying Clients – Darnyelle A. Jervey

One of the major challenges facing today’s service-based entrepreneur is creating a steady stream of ideal clients. In a vast marketplace where there has the potential to be hundreds of thousands of people who do what you do, it can be hard to figure out how to stand out from the crowd just so that potential clients can see what you have to offer. In an effort to offer a few valuable tips to aid service based entrepreneurs in attracting more ideal clients, allow me to share the following:

Clarify Your Ideal Client. The universal law of business says, “find the group of people who have the exact problem that you solve who are ready right now to pay for a solution to that problem.” To attract more ideal clients, you have to clarify exactly who you help. It’s not enough to have a target market, you must also have a niche and within that niche get crystal clear about the exact type of person, yes, one type of person that you are the perfect solution to the problems that they have. Ask yourself: 1. Who are they? 2. What are their problems? 3. What do they need right now to solve those problems? And how do I offer that solution? Then, you must ensure that you are directing your marketing efforts to the exact person who will benefit from the solution that you provide. Interestingly, when you do this, you will find that there are many people in that same situation that are now attracted to you as the solution to their problem.
Focus on the problem you solve, not your credentials. Honestly, people really could care less what degrees you have unless they need a doctor or a lawyer. People are more concerned about the transformation you provide. When you create marketing materials that clearly highlight that transformation, they will know without a doubt if you provide the solution they are searching for. Don’t make your materials about you, speak their language and make everything about your ideal client. After all, one radio station that everyone listens to is WIIFM- What’s In It For Me.
Give your products and packages names that demonstrate the problem you solve. When building a new program or creating a new service option, don’t try to be cute with your title, instead focus on the problem you solve and name it that. If your new program will show people how to quit smoking in 10 days or less, call your new program How to Quit Smoking in 10 Days or Less not You Can Quit Smoking. See the difference? The first title is exactly what your ideal clients can expect when they register for the program.
Have a defined call to action. Here’s where many entrepreneurs miss the mark. They offer great content, they illustrate value but they don’t tell ideal clients what to do next. As a result, the phone doesn’t ring, no one visits your website, you stay in a famine mode in your business. You always want any interaction with your ideal clients to include the next step, which is known as the call to action. Having a strong one will send ideal clients right to your door via the vehicle of your choosing.
Give them a reason to take action immediately. In the movie the Godfather, one of my favorite movie lines ever exists and it pertains to this final tip: “make them an offer they can’t refuse.” When your call to action is clear and strong and you create a sense of urgency in your offer, clients will take action and sign up for your products and services.
When you make these five quick tips a part of your daily business practices, you will see your ideal clients coming to you with consistent flow. Happy client attracting!

©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit

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