How to create a transition plan to leave your day job for your dream business

I think that every time I tell someone what I do, I get asked the question we are answering in this week’s episode of Incredible Factor TV.  With National Entrepreneurship month just a month or so away in May, there’s going to be a lot of emphasis on starting your own business through out the United States. I think the thought of being an entrepreneur excites people and they begin to get what I call the Entrepreneurial Itch…. I can remember when I was an employee and came down with the very same itch.

There’s just something about being an entrepreneur.  You think differently, you speak more confidently; you are committed to changing the lives of others.

You know you’ve been bit by the Entrepreneurial Itch when just entering into the parking lot each day gives you pause and the thought of having to do a job that doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy starts to make you feel sick to your stomach.  What use to fulfill you doesn’t have quite the same allure anymore.  It happens to all entrepreneurs (whether they know that they are an entrepreneur or not) at some point in time.  In fact, I believe that when you realize that your destiny is not tied to sitting behind someone else’s desk, you start to become uncomfortable doing what use to bring you joy and satisfaction.

I remember when I was still working my Corporate job and I started to feel like I was being suffocated and my purpose wasn’t being fulfilled.  What started as a part-time business to take my mind of off my personal problems became the bridge to my destiny.

My Mary Kay business was definitely the start of something big.  Had there been no Mary Kay, there probably wouldn’t be an Incredible One Enterprises, LLC today.  But even my Mary Kay business couldn’t keep me from my desire to experience true entrepreneurship.

Sadly, many people jump the gun without making a transition plan just like I did.  Yes, I made a big mistake that cost me a lot of time, energy and income.  While it eventually worked in my favor, I honestly wouldn’t recommend that you do the same.

This week, we have a question from Jessica who has been bit by the Entrepreneurial Itch.  Here’s her question:

Hi Darnyelle, I just love Incredible Factor TV.  Each week you inspire me more and more to prepare myself for entrepreneurship.  Right now, I am working a job that pays the bills but no longer brings me life fulfillment.  Coming to work most days in a challenge for me. And I know I’m being called to start my own business to help others.  I want the work that I do to make a difference and I want to become a life success coach. My question is, when you want to become your own boss but just can’t quit your job, how do you begin?  Where should I start to begin my transition from employee to entrepreneur?

If you find yourself at a crossroad and know that being your own boss is a part of your destiny, watch this week’s episode to hear my answer to Jessica’s question.

Like I share in the video, there are a few things that I recommend you do to begin your transition.

1. Fall back in love with your job. If you are not grateful, you cannot create abundance. If you are not in abundance, you are not going to create a successful transition to being your own boss.

2. Respect your job. Give unto Caesar what is due Caesar by working the job you are paid to do, not loafing and searching the internet trying to work on your business plan.  How you show up for others is how you will show up for yourself.

3. Get clear on your business idea, top of mind SPICETM problem and Audience of One ®.  This is the foundation of having a successful business.

4. Save 9-12 months worth of income to allow you to pay your bills and invest in your business. As you enter the world of entrepreneurship, tons of expenses are going to “pop” up. Knowing that you have a place to sleep, food to eat and a car to drive during this transition will lessen the stress.  Start putting money aside to make this transition more palatable.

What say you?  Have you recently transitioned to a new business from a fill time job?  What did you do that could help Jessica as she starts her journey?  What have you learned that you’d love to pass on others who are just like Jessica? I’d love to hear your two cents below.

©2013 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.

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