How to Focus on Top-of-Mind Problems of Your Ideal Clients–Darnyelle A. Jervey

As a business coach and marketing mentor, there is ONE strategy that I share at least once a day with my clients: The Universal Law of Business. This law, which is a core principle in my Client Magnet Marketing Success Formula, states “Find a group of people who have the problem that you solve and that are ready right now to pay for a solution to the problem.” Where most entrepreneurs go wrong is that they don’t focus ENOUGH on the problem that their ideal clients, what I call your audience of one, have. Or, they don’t ensure that the problem is one they would be willing to pay for a solution to. Either way, if you don’t focus on THE problem, you are not going to be in business very long.

Instead, the average business owner turned marketer focuses on the solutions they offer. And more importantly, the benefits and features of that solution. The problem with that strategy? Most consumers are so consumed with the problem, that they don’t recognize the solution when they see or hear it. Which means no traction for your marketing in the crowded marketplace.

My recommendation is to instead focus on the problem, the first and most pressing top-of-mind problem, of your ideal clients. Why? Because this problem, the top-of-mind one, is keeping them awake at night and they are in so much pain that when you market to it, they will pay top-dollar for you to stop it. Because they are conscious about this problem, and it’s all they think about when they finally see marketing that is focused on it, they start to feel relief.

Period. Sounds simple, doesn’t? It is simple, unfortunately, for most entrepreneurs it is very challenging. When you’re an expert, it is difficult to see past what you know and as a result you focus on what you believe they need instead – a solution. While that is true, focusing on the solution in your marketing is the last thing that will get their attention and allow them to see you as their problem solver. You see, when you think solution, you naturally think full throttle and robust complete solution to EVERY problem they could possibly have.

Don’t do this. Focus on only the top-of-mind problem until it’s solved. Every problem once solved creates a new problem. So, if you position your marketing correctly, you will be solving their problems for life and that is exactly where you want to be.

One of the best strategies you can implement to help you with this “I can help them solve them all” syndrome, is to focus on the top-of-mind problem first.

Ask yourself, what is the first, top-of-mind problem of my ideal client? Now, in order to answer this question succinctly, you’re going to have to have created a detailed client profile. Assuming this has been the case and you know exactly what ails them, what is that first, top-of-mind problem? Write the answer down.

Next, ask yourself, how do I know that THIS is their first, top-of-mind problem? You want to be sure to validate your thoughts by asking some of your ideal clients to make sure you’re on the right page and not busy creating what you think they want again. This is important so that you don’t waste valuable time on creating solutions that they aren’t yet looking for.

Then, ask yourself what can I provide them that will offer a complete solution to this first, top-of-mind problem? Write the answers down. Brainstorm, you want to list out every possible way that you can provide them a complete solution to this one, top-of-mind problem. This is the first product/service/program you must offer to your ideal clients.

Next, ask yourself, how will I know that this solution is what they needed to their first, top-of-mind problem? Your goal here is for your response to be focused on getting client testimonials about the value gained in having you solve their problem. You want to find out how solving THIS problem will make a difference in their life. You want to evoke emotion on this one.

Once you get that answer, you can move on to the next problem and answer the questions above again as needed until you have created a progression of problem-solving products and services for your ideal client. This progression will become the body of your work.

Keep in mind that the top-of-mind problem more than likely will be in one of the following five categories: health, identity, wealth, relationships and life balance. If your products and services don’t fall into one of these five, it is quite possible that your problem is getting clear on how to apply the universal law of business to your business.

To learn more about how to create client magnetic marketing, visit Incredible One Enterprises where you can learn about our upcoming event, Client Magnet Marketing Secrets.

©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit

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