How to Unleash Your Incredible Factor Each Day In Your Job

I can recall the early days of my career when I bled green (that was the signature color of the company for which I worked.)  I honestly thought I would retire there.  I loved the moving and shaking, the meetings and decision-making.  I loved my job.  I really did. I loved how I learned my unique brilliance and used it to successfully and quickly progress my career.  I mean, I went from customer service representative to Vice President in three years.

Yup, three years. 

It honestly wasn’t until the bottom fell out of my life that I sought the true definition of my purpose.  And while I held my job, I respected, nurtured and treated it with gratitude and that is why I know I was able to progress so quickly and consistently.

Even though today, I run my own businesses, I get asked this question by people who work a job that they love, so I wasn’t surprised when Shelby submitted the question we are featuring this week on Incredible Factor TV:

Hi Darnyelle, I know that you normally answer questions for entrepreneurs but I work a job that I love.  I have no intention or desire to start my own business, but I want to make sure that I am unleashing my Incredible Factor in my job each day. So, my question is, How do you Unleash Your Incredible Factor when you work for someone else?

As you watched my response to Shelby’s question, I’m hoping you caught a few themes:

1.Everyone has an Incredible Factor. You get to choose if you will unleash it for yourself as an Entrepreneur or if you will unleash it on behalf of someone else as an employee.  There is nothing wrong with working for someone else. 

2. It is as honorable to be an employee as it is to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone is made for entrepreneurship.  And entrepreneurs need amazing support team players to build companies that change lives. So if you love your support role. Own it.  Rock it. Live It.

So, if you have a job you love and desire to work it until you retire.  Kudos to you.  To unleash your Incredible Factor in service to someone else, I recommend the following:

  1. Be clear on the value you bring to the organization by completing your personal SWOT Analysis.  Understanding your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is essential to determining your value proposition.  Knowing what you do better than anyone else and how your organization can benefit from those skill sets will enhances your career growth.
  2. Define your personal brand and ensure that it aligns with the company’s values, goals and objectives. Branding in today’s marketplace and workforce is essential.  Knowing how you are different and how you define what you bring to the table will accelerate your positioning within the company’s organizational structure.  Ensuring that what your brand values mirrors that of your organization will lead to career longevity.
  3. Designate what role you will play in advancing your organization. After understanding your brand and your UVP – Unique Value Proposition, you can determine which role is the best role for you.  The key to unleashing your Incredible Factor as an employee is ensuring that your position is strengths based and you are doing a job that fuels your passion and purpose.
  4. Show up, take consistent action and drive results. I doubt that I really need to explain this but it is important that you take personal responsibility for the position you hold and its role in ensuring company results are attained.
  5. Be Authentic. When I first got into management, I was a clone.  I did what I saw others doing and you know what, it really didn’t work for me.  You see, I am a woman of color and I was working with a lot of white men.  See how hard it was for me to be a clone 🙂  So, I took a step toward authenticity and it was the best thing I ever did. I found my own groove and as a result, my personal growth and results soared as well as the result of my department and team.  Being authentic can be perceived as risky but the risk of being yourself always pays off.

If you follow these five tips consistently, you will unleash your Incredible Factor. One of my favorite things to do is to coach business leaders on how to unleash their Incredible Factor in service to their company. To learn more about our newest company and our executive coaching solutions, Your Corporate Incredible Factor, visit

©2013 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.

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