How to Use Client Magnetic Testimonials to Attract More Clients

Pass your passion, expertise and belief that your work changes lives in the marketplace, it really isn’t about you, it’s about those who have gotten benefits from your work and live to tell the story. Yes, you guessed it, I am referring to testimonials. A testimonial is a summary of the work you did for a client and how that work has made a difference in their life. It’s like a review of the experience they gained because of your work. And it is the key to more clients, raising your rates and growing your business.

We live in a marketplace where the proof can’t just be in the pudding, it must also be on display for others to learn what it’s like to work with you. Your testimonials must be on your website, your social media profiles, and in your e-zine or newsletter. Essentially you must put testimonials everywhere that you can so they can be seen and create an environment for people to learn about how you could help them.

Testimonials build trust. And we all know that people buy when they know, like and most importantly trust that you can solve their problem. People trust you more quickly when other people share the experiences they’ve had with you. And, the more consistent the experiences, the more people will trust you.

Testimonials remove the need for you to sell. Testimonials help prospects to self-select themselves into working with you. If you have all of your success stories in one place on your website, prospects can literally sift through them and find someone who is much like them. As they resonate with that individual, they begin to see you as the only solution to their problem because after all, you helped so and so.

There are two types of testimonials. Those that sell and those that don’t. Let me demonstrate.

Testimonial #1: “Jack is a great consultant. He was personable and professional. I really enjoyed working with him.”

Testimonial #2: “Before I worked with Jack, my life was chaotic at best. Because I hired Jack, I learned how to remove the chaos and get organized. He helped me to develop customized strategies to manage my time and workload more efficiently. In fact, thanks to Jack, I have become 34% more productive at work and I am less stressed at home.”

Which would you want on your website?

Testimonials must be client magnetic. Client magnetic testimonials attract new clients. Period. In order for a testimonial to be classified as such, it must include the following:

Client magnetic testimonials are comparative, they must tell a before and after story so that the readers of the testimonials get a true sense of the value of the work you did to help your client. You can start this section of the testimonial this way: Before working with [your name].

Client magnetic testimonials are filled with results or benefits so that others reading them can easily see themselves in the same position as the client who has already gained success in working with you. You want to be sure that the transformation or ultimate result is clearly identified and on display.

Client magnetic testimonials support the results you claim you can get others. As the client is sharing their story, they will highlight the keywords that you use to illustrate the problem you solve and the solution you give.

Client magnetic testimonials are from relatable clients. People are always looking for a sense of community, people who are like them, going through what they are going through, etc. So when your testimonials are from people that others can relate to, it increases the credibility and likability of your work as a viable solution to the problem. Everyone wants to know that people just like them have gotten results from working with you.

Client magnetic testimonials are credible. They have a picture, first and last name, city and state, website and/or company name, where applicable of the person providing the testimonial. Depending on the nature of your work, you may have to opt for a case study. Some industries aren’t able to share their clients’ names due to confidentiality. In those cases, you would opt for a case study where you describe the client before working with you, highlight what you did to help them and share the end result. You may include a brief quote from the client but their name or other core identifying information is never used. You may say something like a “30-something account executive for a Fortune 500 company”.

Client magnetic testimonials include quantitative results where applicable. Be sure to have your client include any tangible results they received. For instance, if your client increased their success rate, got a certain number of the result they were seeking, made more money, saved money, got a promotion, found a significant other, etc., those are the results that should be highlighted in the testimonial. Keep in mind that people are motivated when they can a.) make more money, b.) save money, c.) reduce time or effort , and d.) increase happiness, fulfillment or results.

Client magnetic testimonials include a call to action from the client. Having the client say something as simple as “If you are looking to once and for all stop struggling with [insert major problem], you need to hire [insert your name]”, can speak volumes and help you to get more clients.

Your assignment:

  1. Review your current testimonials. Is it necessary to ask for a re-write on any so that they become client magnetic and lead you to more clients?
  2. Make a list of people who you haven’t collected a testimonial from yet. Send them a request to send you a testimonial. Give them a template to make sure that it includes all of the components I indicate above.
  3. Create a page on your website where you will highlight all of the testimonials you receive.
  4. As you finish working with a new client, ask them for a testimonial so that you can feature them on your website. (Be sure to tell them that they may get clients just because they are featured)
  5. As you entertain a new prospect, suggest that they view your testimonials to learn more about what it’s like to work with you.

Has this article helped you? How have having client magnetic testimonials made a difference in your business? Leave a comment below to share your experience with us.


©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “5 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.



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