It Aint Easy Being Green – Darnyelle A. Jervey Speaker, Coach, Author

I know, I know you see the title and you think, “Come on, Darnyelle, Kermit the Frog, really?”

Well, not exactly. Although today is the day after St. Patrick’s Day and I was extremely busy yesterday, I wanted to write my blog based on what hit my heart this week. As a coach, I am blessed to work with a lot of amazing women. I also meet new women every week by completing coaching consultations with them. An overwhelming theme this week was feeling different, alone, like no body cares. If you feel this way, let me give you hope: I understand how you feel. There was a significant amount of time in my teens and 20’s that I felt the same exact way but what I found is that when I sought mentors and embraced my differences and realized that I was born Incredible, everything in my life began to change.

For me it started when I sought my purpose and decided to live with passion. That led to my attitude changing and my confidence increasing and easily, as if fitting me like a glove, I began to expect Incredible things to enter and affect my life.

And so it was. You see, by giving up the desire to be like others and embracing who Darnyelle is and was created to do for this world, I realized that my color was purple – the color of royalty, after all I’m a child of the King. I quickly left green behind and followed my heart to a place that has elevated me to a level that is indicative of Big thoughts, Big Dreams and Bigger results, which will lead to a different shage of green, the green with dead presidents embedded.

The same is available to you.

If you are feeling anything like I use to feel, you may find yourself green with envy when you see others doing what you desire to do, getting the breaks you have been praying for and as a result, you get angry and become even more introverted. It’s not easy being green – whether green is envious or different; however, when you embrace who you are and what gifts, talents and abilities you were born with, it makes it easier to love the you looking back at you in the mirror.

I use to spend my time mimicking those who had it going on. It wasn’t easy. I mean seriously it was hard to try to get my hair the same exact way or to find the same exact outfit that they wore so effortlessly….I got very tired, real quick. I came to this not so startling revelation with the help of some powerful mentors and coaches (before I even really knew what coaching was) You were born an orginal, but being green will make you a copy

what would change in your life if you focused as much attention on your dreams and desires as you focus on those of others?

We often only see or think of what glitters but my grandmother use to say, “everything that glitters ain’t gold.”

I invite you to embrace who you are. Get to know yourself. Get to a quiet place and reflect on what you’ve been given that makes you an original. It may not be easy being green, but it will be a lot easier being you.

If you are ready to stop being green and ready to play Big, Bold and get what’s been earmarked and reserved for you, there’s some FREE goodies waiting for you at
Copyright (c) 2010 Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved.

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a speaker and life and business coach committed to imparting skills, strategies and solutions to define and unleash the Incredible in you. For more information, visit her website,

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