The Million Dollar CEO 80/20 Rule

It’s been a while since we’ve posted on the blog on Incredible One Enterprises.

We’ve had our hands full; between rebranding the business so that it matches the level of service we provide our clients, expanding the team, and hosting our first post-pandemic 3-day event. It has been a busy year.

This Saturday, the Hubs and I are headed to St. Lucia for a much-deserved 3rd quarter vacation. Yes, I vacation every 90 days as a matter of self-care. Self-care is on my agenda every single week. And four times a year, I take a week to “get off the grid” and just relax, reset, and reflect on what we are accomplishing as a company.

When you are the CEO of a growing company, the demands are great. But it’s critical to take time for yourself. I personally have been actively shifting into what I call the Million Dollar CEO 80/20 Rule – Spending 80% of my time ON the business and 20% or less IN the business.

Spending the time ON the business includes lots of people development, strategy alignment, culture development, big focuses, and big decisions. As the CEO, this is where you should be spending the majority of your time, because no one else in your business can do it but you. It takes true leadership energy to step into a place of strategically providing over your vision, mission and goals for the company and your growing team.

It’s one of the reasons we have the Move to Millions Mastermind, so we can help our clients do the same and shift into being true CEOs. My stance is that you’re not really the CEO until you have the strategy, sales, systems, and support tight and your team is doing the heavy lifting without you.

Where are you spending the majority of your time? What tasks are you doing that can be delegated to a team member? Or maybe you’re realizing that it’s time to hire?

Don’t worry, if this is the journey you’re on, we can help you! We’ve become quite good at it. 😉

Learn more about working with Incredible One Enterprises.

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