The Power of Intention

“When you decide to focus intently on that which you want, you will unleash Incredible Power that wills it to happen.” ~Darnyelle A. Jervey

Having just celebrated my 34th birthday on Monday and completing the “Inspect the Incredible” process on my last year and setting new goals and strategic plans for the next year, I began to realize that it has been as a result of the power of intention that I have achieved significant success over the past year. I am sure that I have shared previously that on my 33rd birthday, I declared that I was coming out of doubt, despair and anything holding my destiny captive and instead I was going to focus on taking calculated steps to achieve my dreams. You see, I became clear…clarity is key if you want to do the Incredible in your life. I’ve done everything I said I would this year and I am setting my sights on even more greatness in the year to come. Why not? Anything is possible through the Power of Intention!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being a speaker at the Women’s Expo in Newark, DE and as I met people and stood at my table throughout the day, I was clear…my purpose for being at the expo was to empower the lives of women while also increasing my exposure and presence within my immediate marketplace. But, it wasn’t about Darnyelle…it was about all the lives of the women I could influence through the power of intention….I can hear your brains churning…you see, when you DECIDE to do anything with clarity, you can have it if you are willing to follow it through with the words and actions that make all the difference.

Nothing happens until somebody thinks something: that thought becomes your words and/or actions and those actions become the habits that you create which define your character and ultimately affects your destiny. The Power of Intention says that you have decided on the path that must be taken and the object of your desire and you become positively fixated on it and through your thoughts, words and actions, you will it to be. Don’t believe that it works, here’s an example of it from yesterday’s events.

I invited a friend, mentee and colleague to attend the event with me. I knew that it would be a great opportunity for her to connect with people in the area and share her business and make new contacts, but I also wanted her to see me at work so that as her business grows, she is ready to make it happen. Unbeknownst to her, the theme of yesterday’s event centered around Shoes… The Steps to Success and the keynote speaker was Ruthie Davis…shoe designer to the Stars…at lunch Ruthie shared a lot of powerful intention with us as she told us her calculated story of her journey to defining and unleashing the Incredible in her life. The coupe de gras? Ruthie was giving away a $950 pair of her shoes from her Fall 08 line, her best seller, the Bolt.

Anyway, my colleague, upon hearing this became clear on one thing: she was winning those shoes. From the moment that she was made aware of the drawing, she spoke intently with power, passion, clarity and desire to have those shoes. She began to visualize herself wearing those shoes and the clothes she would buy to compliment her shoes (but let’s be clear – the shoes are HOT!!! and can truly stand alone!). She began to speak in positive present tense acting as if she had already won the shoes…Are you getting this?

The way that the Power of Intention works is based on your clarity and your ability to operate from a place that says “I already am/have what I want.” Every time someone in her presence spoke about the shoes, she politely told them that the shoes were hers. Needless to say, I’m sure because you are understanding the Power of Intention at this point, I hope. When the shoes were given away at just after 6 pm on last evening and Ruthie Davis held the winning card in her hand and proclaimed “Girl Power” Ruthie herself even paused when she read the name of my colleague’s company….Power in Progress and when her name was called, she hopped up on the stage and simply pointed back in my direction to illustrate how suuccintly her ability to hone in on what she wanted to experience became a definite reality.

It’s a simple example, I know but if it can work for her and a pair of $950 shoes, what can the Power of Intention do for you?

The answer, it can do anything that you want it to.

1. Think intently about that which you want, 2. visualize yourself as if it is already yours, 3. speak with power, authority and clarity confirming your desire and 4. watch the universe line up to give you want you want as you unleash Incredible power to get what you want from your life. We live in an abundant universe and you should demand your portion of that abundance NOW! No matter what it is that you desire. If you can see it , you can have it when you unleash the Power of Intention in your life.

For more information about the Power of Intention, I invite you to register for my teleseminar ‘Unleash the Incredible’ in December. Save $150 when you register by November 21, 2009 @ 11:59 pm. Full Details are available by visiting my website

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the Chief Empowerment Officer at Incredible One Enterprises, LLC a full service empowerment firm committed to defining and unleashing the Incredible in you through keynotes, coaching, seminars and workshops. For more information, visit

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