Search results for

gratitude in business

"That which you are grateful for, you invite God to bring you more of." --Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, MBA I have been practicing gratitude for twenty years... and as a result,…...
Gratitude. How many of you actually spend 5 minutes a day in gratitude? And of those of you who do, how many of you can tell the difference of that…...
I have a confession to make. I'm often frustrated because I meet so many business owners who are struggling when it doesn't have to be that way. Part of the…...
The first quarter of the year is history. And depending on the type of quarter you’ve had, you’re either ready for more just like it or you need a do…...
When you take the time to express gratitude, you unconsciously give God permission to bring you more of all that you are grateful for. We’ve all heard all of the…...

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